
Social Networking

Social Networking



Social Networking

The impact of electronic media simply can’t be ignored these days.

More and more nurseries are setting up websites, using email to contact parents and setting up Facebook pages for the nursery. And of course, many staff members are active Facebook and Twitter users, and some have their own blogs or social networking sites.

The increased use of electronic media can bring great benefits. It can reinforce the partnership between parents and staff. It can provide a forum for discussion, learning and team building. And it can create a sense of community for the nursery. A dedicated nursery Facebook site, which both staff and parents can join, can celebrate the children’s achievements, advertise upcoming events or share the successes of staff when they pass exams.

But it’s not without its risks.

Inappropriate comments or images may be posted which could reflect badly on the nursery and other staff, either intentionally or unintentionally. This could undermine the professionalism of staff as well as breach confidentiality or have safeguarding implications. Online interactions between staff and parents may accidentally replace the more effective face to face interactions and small niggles could potentially get out of hand (without the benefit of seeing people face to face, online interactions can get unexpectedly heated and personal).

It is important that nursery owners, managers and staff should be aware of these pitfalls and that steps should be taken to prevent them from occurring.

One way of dealing with this is to have a nursery policy about all social networking activity. This could clearly state whether staff could be ‘friends’ with parents or if the nursery could be named, for example. If the nursery manager is joined as a ‘friend’ then he or she can monitor the staff comments on the public area. Private messages can still be sent, but these will not be read by parents, governors and other staff.

I would also advise that the nursery manager has an open discussion with staff and gets common agreement about what is acceptable and what is not. The truth is that social networking is blurring the boundaries between personal and professional life. You only have one profile on Facebook and its very easy to forget who has visibility of what you are posting – as employees have found to the cost in the past!

So, although clear policies can be helpful, there are many grey areas which are best addressed by having open discussions with the team and agreeing to apply common sense. For example, advising staff on how to communicate privately with friends on Facebook groups with restricted access and the policy if a member of staff is already a ‘friend’ with a parent prior to the child starting nursery.

Social networking is still a new phenomenon and we are still learning about its impact and how things can go right and wrong. But creating a simple and clear policy and discussing this with staff can go a long way to making sure the nursery and its team doesn’t meet any pitfalls.

A version of this article was first published in Nursery World, 22nd September 2010

Image by Kodomut. Find the blog at

Kathy Brodie

Kathy Brodie

Kathy Brodie is an author, Early Years Professional and Trainer specialising in online training and courses. She is the founder and host of the Early Years Summit and Early Years TV, weekly Professional Development for Early Years practitioners and educators.

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    AUTHOR Alison Stewart

    Posted on 9:34 am December 10, 2014.

    My local authority has a blanket policy of teachers not being able to ‘friend’ any parents on social media. It is inevitable that some teachers will know parents outside of school, these friendships may have existed long before the parents were even parents. As a result some staff members have decided to conform to the policy whilst others have ignored it. There is a further minority of staff who have reported their colleagues for not conforming. As you can imagine feelings of resentment generate, resulting in not such a happy atmosphere!

    I think that a distinction should be made between parents requesting friend status on Facebook just because a child is in that teachers class and the friendship between a parent and a teacher who just happen to have been friends since childhood. The decision to ‘friend’ should lie with the individuals involved – as should the responsibility!

    My own experience is probably a result of the early years setting I was involved in. I have previously been the manager and formerly chair of the management committee for a parent owned and managed community nursery. There was no restriction on who could be friends with whom on social media. It wouldn’t have worked as all the children of staff and parents mix together on a daily basis be it at nursery or local schools. I can honestly say that having parents as friends resulted in a much greater level of parental involvement and support. The community extended from the streets of the village, onto the superfast highway of the internet.

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      AUTHOR Kathy

      Posted on 3:13 pm December 10, 2014.

      Hi Alison,
      Many thanks for sharing your insights into this issue.
      I couldn’t agree more that there are plenty of grey areas, which are only getting bigger as social media becomes more prevalent, smart phones become smarter etc.
      Maybe this should be a question of professionalism and personal choice, with a ‘light touch’ approach from management?
      We shall see how the world evolves and react accordingly!

      Best regards


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