There's a lot of material on my blog and related sites, and I know it can be a bit overwhelming trying to search through it all.
So I've created a list below of some of my most popular free downloads, articles and resources. It's a great starting point.
If you'd like to get my regular emails with updates on Early Years TV and other useful information for Early Years practitioners you can sign up by clicking the below.
Early Years TV
The obvious place to start is Early Years TV. Each week I interview a leading Early Years expert or practitioner and share the interview on Early Years TV completely free.
You can watch the free video for the full week until the next video is loaded up. Or if you want, you can join EYTV Premium where you get immediate access to over 150 interviews for just £15 a month incl VAT.
You can find out more about Early Years TV and watch the latest interview free here:
The Early Years Summit
Every year I run at least one summit where we bring together Early Years experts for a series of in-depth interviews on a specific topic released over a week. All the interviews are free to watch for the week, or you can buy the recordings or transcripts to watch or read later.
Previous summit topics have included Speech and Language, Outdoor Play, Challenge and Risk, Personal, Social and Emotional Development, Physical Development and Literacies.
In the run-up to the summit you can sign up for free at And you can buy the recordings, transcripts and certificate quizzes for any of the previous summits here:
Free Downloads
I have a number of useful free downloads you can get by clicking the highlighted links below.
Observations Guidelines - a simple guide to the 12 Primary Observation Methods and when to use them. Based on my Open University Press book Observation, Assessment and Planning in The Early Years - Bringing it all together.
Schema Guidelines - my guidelines on how to recognise different Schema and more importantly, how to support and challenge your children through schematic play.
Sustained Shared Thinking Guidelines - my quick guide to Sustained Shared Thinking covering what it is, why it's so powerful, how we can achieve successful Sustained Shared Thinking, the optimum time for Sustained Shared Thinking, good places for Sustained Shared Thinking, and who can be involved with Sustained Shared Thinking. Based on my book Sustained Shared Thinking in the Early Years published by David Fulton.
Selected Articles
These are some of the most popular articles I've published on my blog. You can see a full list of all the articles by going here.
Treasure Baskets - how to create and use a fabulous Treasure Basket to engage all your children's senses. Including a long list of "treasures" you can incude in the basket.
Heuristic Play - A simple guide to heuristic play, how to set it up, and resources you can use.
How Important is Shared Thinking? - a discussion on the importance of Sustained Shared thinking in Early Years practice today.
Leading Scientist Affirms the Importance of Early Years - it's always nice when someone outside the early years confirms its importance. In this case Professor Sir Michael Marmot who I later interviewed for Early Years TV.
How To Develop Children’s “Extra Senses” - we all have many more senses than just the commonly-consider "5 senses". This article introduces two key senses and how to help children develop them: vestibular and proprioception.
The Colour of Christmas - A personal account of the impact of colourblindness and why we should understand and support it better in schools and nurseries.
Being an OWL - A simple technique you can use to respond, support, encourage and challenge your children.
Good, Quality Documentation - We often get bogged down in the details and bureaucracy of documentation. But it doesn't have to be that way. Here's how to meet the legal requirements for documentation while making it simple and useful.
Where's Wally, and Why it's Important - Another personal story - this time about why my husband can never find Wally in the Where's Wally books (Where's Waldo in the US). And, of course, why it's important for child development.
Book Recommendations
I often get asked for book recommendations on various different topics.
You can find my own books on Sustained Shared Thinking, Observation Assessment and Planning, Holistic Care and Development and other topics on my Amazon Author page.
You can get a complete list of all my reviews and recommendations of books and other resources here:
I hope you find all those resources useful!
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