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My Book: Sustained Shared Thinking in the Early Years
Sustained Shared Thinking is fundamental to good Early Years practice.
It costs nothing, yet research (via the EPPE project) has shown that it improves outcomes for children by supporting their deep level learning and holistic development.
This book clearly explains what Sustained Shared Thinking is and examines the skills and expertise needed to initiate, encourage and facilitate it. It explores the attitudes, knowledge and understanding that a practitioner in any setting should adopt in order to start or develop successful Sustained Shared Thinking.
Included are the characteristics of effective learning, the prime and specific areas of learning development, the role of the practitioner, the environment and working with parents.There are also:
- Boxed links to key theory and research
- Practical strategies highlighted in the text
- Further reading ideas
You can get it from Amazon here.
Kathy Brodie Brodie is an author, Early Years Professional and Trainer specialising in online training and courses. She is the founder and host of the Early Years Summit and Early Years TV, weekly Professional Development for Early Years practitioners and educators.